Saturday, December 17, 2011

a letter to parents about gmo's in organic baby food

i just sent out an email to some of my friends who are young parents in regards to an email i received from  i was shocked to see that gmo's are moving so quickly and shamelessly into our labeled organic products.  i know that these parents want to make informed decisions about the food they give to their babies, and after i sent the email i realized that the majority of parents want to make informed decisions and i should post this for hopefully others to see.  so here goes my letter to them :

i just recently found out about gmo's being purposely put into "organic" products, particularly baby foods and i wanted to send you the link i received from, for you to make informed decisions at the grocery store.

gmo's are genetically modified organisms that have not been proven to be safe in our foods. there are actually links to harm done by it (including deaths of animals, still births in animals, etc). europe, among others, has banned it.

heres the link

for more info about gmos

you can go to and watch their free documentary.

if you want to take action against gmo in your foods go here (change the zip, i think its linked to mine)

or scroll around

let me know if you want more info or have any questions and i will do my best to get it to you

love you guys!

and here's some added info on how organic labeling works:

Products displaying the USDA Organic seal must consist of at least 95 percent organically produced ingredients.

Processed products that contain at least 70 percent organic ingredients can use the phrase "made with organic ingredients" and list up to three of the organic ingredients or food groups on the front of the package. However, the USDA Organic seal cannot be used anywhere on the package.

Processed products containing less than 70 percent organic ingredients cannot use the term "organic" other than to identify the specific ingredients that are organically produced in the ingredients statement.

this is where the email ended.  HERE is a little more research found since then.

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