Friday, April 15, 2011

make your own deodorant

my husband and i are running low on the deodorant that i made about 6 months ago and i am making more this morning. this is the site that i found a fantastic recipe from (she even has a video).

i like to add a few drops (5-10 ish...or more) of essential oils into the mix.  i tend to use tea tree oil for its anti-bacterial qualities and patchouli for its scent...  and because it smells like something a person who makes their own deodorant would use  :)

i tend to keep the bulk of it in a glass jar and i recently purchased a small plastic container to keep some in for when we travel.

the coconut oil will melt at 76 degrees so it is best to keep it in a cool place if possible; be careful if/when you do travel that it is in an airtight container so it does not ooze out.  the site mentioned above recommends keeping it in a fridge (or a cooler when you travel) on warmer days and then take it out about 10 minutes before use so it's not too hard to work with.  ...with all that said, i keep it on our dresser throughout the year and use it in its melted or hardened form.

apply with your fingers.  :)

did i mention that this is a really good recipe?  and inexpensive?

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