Wednesday, March 9, 2011

my 'websites of interest' column

this column, found at the top right of my blog (hint -->), contains websites that i think are important/helpful in regards to food, cosmetics, and being good stewards of what we have been given- be it food, home,  land, or "stuff".

the first (many) sites listed have to do with food; they contain articles, where you can find local food (here's another), and videos on how big agriculture may be harming small scale farmers, the environment, and our future (click here too) - please watch the food inc. trailer, and then watch the movie (via netflix, or whatnot) and that will get you ready to watch the future of food movie, which is free to watch via their own website.  

the following sites found on my column are about the dangers of our cosmetics and how to find out how your current cosmetics rate and what may be a safer alternative.

i will probably add more sites as i come across them. 

please peruse through these sites whenever you are able.  

and no, i am not getting paid to write a spiel about them  :)

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